Amateur Radio Operator

KC1MJP - Michael


Logging contacts is one of the things we Amateur Radio types do. Some do it on paper (the old school way), and others using one (or a few) applications/programs from a variety of sources - some paid, some free (as in beer), and some free (as in speech). Myself, I use a combination thereof. I usually do the initial logging in a notebook, then transfer it into an app on my phone later, but that’s only on my phone. So I went out on a search for something that I can 1. self host, 2. is web based, 3. has a nice API, and 4. is free (as in speech). I found all of that and more in CloudLog. I let the readme (below) and links speak for themselfs below, however, the one thing I did notice is that there is no clients available for this, mostly for offline use and sync - at least not yet.


Cloudlog is a self-hosted PHP application that allows you to log your amateur radio contacts anywhere. All you need is a web browser and active internet connection.



  • Linux based Operating System
  • Apache (Nginx should work)
  • PHP (Version 7 or higher) & MySQL


  • Master - Current working branch
  • cloudlog-v2 - This is the current development copy, while to work on bringing multiclient to Cloudlog without breaking users stable copies.


Installation information can be found on the wiki.

Cloudlog now has a Change Log to go along with the commit history please consult this when updating.


Cloudlog has two support systems for code issues use Github issues, however if you have general issues with setting up your server please use our general discussion forum

Want Cloudlog Hosting?

If you would prefer not to setup Cloudlog yourself magicbug offer hosted solutions, this is priced at £4 a month at the moment and they take care of keeping it updated.


If you would like to contribute in any way to Cloudlog, it is most appreciated. This has been developed in free time, help coding new features or writing documentation is always useful.

Please note that Cloudlog was built using Codeigniter version 3 and uses Bootstrap 4 for the user CSS framework documentation is available for this when building components, code will also only be accepted for PR with comments.


Thanks to Andy (VE7CXZ), Gavin (M1BXF), Graham (W5ISP), Robert (M0VFC), Corby (K0SKW), Andy (GI0VGV), Tobias (DL4TMA), Tony (G0WFV), Kim (DG9VH), Michael (G7VJR), Andreas (LA8AJA) for contributing code or help to Cloudlog.

Patreons & Donors

Cloudlog is supported by Patreon and donations via PayPal, thanks to the following people:

Paul (M0TZO), Tim (G4VXE), Paul (N8HM), Michelle (W5NYV), Mitchell (AD0HJ), Dan (M0TCB), Martin (DK3ML), Juan Carlos (EA5WA), Iain (M0PCB), Charlie (GM1TGY), Ondrej (OK1CDJ).

If you’d like to donate to Cloudlog to help allow @magicbug spend less time doing commercial work and more time coding Cloudlog then you can donate via PayPal or become a Patreon